Category: Education

  • Importance of Maintaining Academic Honesty

    Abstract In reading and researching the topic of academic honesty and integrity I have found that there are varying views on what is considered cheating, and that cheating occurs in all academic levels and fields of study. Interestingly business students do not believe that cheating is as serious as students in other fields. I also…

  • Discipline in High School Class

    Subject: Discipline Topic: Use some ideas from Kounin or Skinner to solve a classroom problem One of my classes is made up for the most part of good students. The class is not large, although the room is tiny and crowded. Some of the students are excellent, always having the answers ready. Others listen for…

  • Assessing What Students Learn


  • Letter to the President – Letter about the Education System

    Dear President Obama: I am writing to ask you to inform you of some issues in our education system. This is vital for the future of our children; I think we need to address these issues now. First of all I think you really need to sit down and take a look at our education…

  • Should Children be Spanked?

    My beliefs are and have always been that a child should never be hit. Some people may think that spanking is not considered hitting, but to me it is in every way. Technology and getting in touch with how people think, learn, and react to things is so advanced now that there are so many…

  • Designing Computer Based Training

    Recent popularity and consumer interest for individualized multimedia computer based programs within technical education training industries has created a demand for high quality software products. This demand has stimulated corporate training departments and educational institutions to invest large capitol resources for software and hardware to satisfy customer needs.

  • Academic Bill of Rights; David Horowitz

    In the past, intellectual pluralism and academic freedom have been highly valued central principles shared and upheld by most universities. However, in recent years many conservative activists and college students alike have begun to express concern that these principles have faded and are no longer respected by many professors. In 2003, in attempt to solve…

  • Does Testing Really Work?

    Ready? Set. Go! You will have 55 minutes to complete the Mathematics portion of your test. If you complete your test prior to the end of the allotted time, please recheck your answers. Do not have the same letter darkened in for two or more questions in a row. The instructions listed are guidelines given…

  • Children with Autism and Learning Challenges

    Autism is a brain development disorder that impairs social interaction and communication, and causes restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old. This set of signs distinguishes autism from milder autism spectrum disorders (ASD) such as Asperger syndrome. Autism is highly heritable, although the genetics of autism are complex and…

  • Is College for Everyone?

    College isn’t for everyone is an article written by W.J. Reeves, an English professor in New York. The article was published in USA Today on the 23rd of May, 2003. In this article, the author brings up aspects which discuss general college material, such as students, professors and admissions. In the beginning of the article,…

  • Benefits of Student Identification Tags

    School uniforms have been used for quite a few years. There are many schools today that still use the uniform to identify their students. The uniforms consist of a polo shirt and khaki pants or shorts. Schools generally choose their own school colors for the polo shirt. For example, Mandeville High colors are skipper blue…

  • The Necessary Program: Sex Education

    Today’s society is a very sex oriented one. Everything from the television shows we watch to the clothes we wear suggest sex. This generation of kids is living in the most sexual times so far. Sex

  • Better Education – The Key to Opportunities

    Recently in the Northeastern United States, 100 young adults, ages 12 to 18 were asked, “If you were in charge, what would you change in your country?” Surprisingly, the top answer to this question is an

  • Evaluating Textbooks

    Teachers are given the opportunity to instruct their students using various methods. The methods that teachers use can use will depend on several factors, such as what is needed for the curriculum and who the audience is. In order for teachers to be

  • Improving Studying and Learning Techniques

    Homework has been a part of student’s lives since the beginning of formal schooling in the United States. The practice, however, has sometimes been accepted and other times rejected by both educators and parents. These views have surfaced because homework can have both positive and negative effects on a child’s learning, along with their attitude…

  • Spanish in the Classroom

    Benton Middle School is located in Los Angeles where the majority of the population is Latino, consisting of 1,871 students. Of the 1,397 students in the school, 1,415 students are Latino which makes up 76% of the population. I observed a sixth grade class

  • Dress Codes in Schools – Dressing for Success

    Smiling and happy faces come through the doors of the school. All of them are teenagers with similar needs and similar purposes. They come to learn to be successful men and women in the future, yet when they are looked upon; their differences show they

  • Nathaniel Hawthorne: “Young Goodman Brown”

    Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Young Goodman Brown” is an intriguing story of mystery that mingles with faith and sin. Taking place in Salem, Massachusetts circa the witch trials readers begin the story with Young Goodman Brown reluctantly

  • Teaching American History Heartland Consortium

    The teaching of American History, and especially as a separate academic subject, has faced many challenges and debates for well over a century. The American History Association, with the inception of the Committee of Seven in 1899 has been working to

  • Project Planning in Teams

    Project planning in teams is being used more and more each day. Teams are now being incorporated in schools and the workforce. There has been success in using teams and that has helped for it to be used

  • Buying into a Poor Curriculum

    It is a common rationale that because children are the future, the welfare and education of our children should be and will be of the utmost importance. Yet, since the birth of our country, there has never been a

  • Roles in Curriculum Development

    Throughout the 20th Century curriculum development went through several phases as the nation embraced different philosophical views. Starting with Cremin at the turn of the Century, then into the progressive

  • Action Research Plan- Vocational transition in Special Education

    Studies and research have supported the need for instruction in vocational classes in order to increase success in employment and transition goals (Okolo & Sitlington, 1986). In addition, students with learning disabilities characteristically encounter a number

  • Collaborative Learning

    The value of collaborative learning has been recognized throughout human history and its effectiveness has been documented through hundreds of research studies. Collaborative learning is now widely recognized as one of the most promising

  • The Necessity of Mythology in the Classroom

    Mythology, a necessity in the classroom, as it provides vital tools for teachers and children to learn so much from. It incorporates so many things that prove essential to a child’s development. The