Category: Ethics

  • Diverse Hispanic American Groups

    The four groups Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans and South Americans have been chosen for identifying the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious and familial conventions and way of life of these different Hispanic groups living in the U.S. All these groups are from different regions but have been placed in one category due to the…

  • An Overview of Environmental Ethics

    The term environmental ethics has been used fairly recently when discussing the impact we have on the world around us even though we have always been tasked with protecting the earths resources. We will discuss some of the early environmental issues that mankind faced, the focus that it’s been given in the past three decades,…

  • Race and My Community

    My community consists of mostly White Americans. I am a white female living in Middleton Wisconsin. I see very few members of other cultures in my community. They are here though. I have a few Mexican American and also Muslim American neighbors living in my apartment community and there is a small apartment community that…

  • Stop the Pain: P.A.D and Euthanasia

    Should people who are terminally ill, endure tremendous amounts of pain and suffer helplessly in a hospital bed be given the choice end their own life? I feel they should. But how can someone assist a terminally ill person in taking their life and not risk going to jail for it? This provokes the controversial…

  • The Controversy of Stem Cell Research

    For years scientists have experimented, studied, and researched to find cures to numerous devastating diseases. It has been questioned whether many of those diseases will ever be cured. At the present time, the best, and possibly even the only way to develop a cure for those diseases can be found through the research of embryonic…

  • Do Two Wrongs Make a Right?

    Do two wrongs make a right? Since the introduction of capital punishment in the United States in 1608 ( this has been a debate; a debate that will probably continue well into the future. But there are always two sides of a debate; a right and a wrong, depending which side of the fence you…

  • American Values and Morals

    Where Have Morals and Values Gone in America Ethics: 1 the study of standards of conduct and moral judgment. 2 The system of morals of a particular person, religion, group, ect. (Webster, p.204) We as human beings are going to either hurt someone not meaning to or maybe we will plan to hurt them. No…

  • How Ethical is Torture

    The Ethics of Torture The dictionary defines torture as being the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty. Arguments on whether or not torture is justified have been going on for a very long time. Some people believe that torture,…

  • Personal code of ethics

    Ethics are a personal code of behavior. They represent an ideal we strive toward because we presume that to achieve ethical behavior is both desired and honored. There is both personal and business ethics. I will describe my personal take on ethics along with experiences that I had working for Best Buy and the ethical…

  • Confidentiality within NHS psychological services

    It is an unfortunate occupational hazard that psychologists must face complex ethical dilemmas to which BPS and NHS guidance remains vague and/or fails to address (Barnett 2007). One area that remains particularly unclear is when, or even if, psychologists should breach confidentiality in the interest of the public good. Despite widespread acknowledgement of the moral…

  • Gene Therapy

    Scientists and medical doctors have created a new way to treat and cure diseases. Nothing like this has ever been attempted before. However, this revolutionary breakthrough in technology and science, called “Gene Therapy”, does come with a high price. Gene therapy could possibly cause more harm than good. It involves removing infected cells from a…

  • Discrimination And Harassment

    Discrimination and harassment are serious problems in the workplace today. People are discriminated against and harassed about their sex, religion, race, weight, handicap, etc. For me, these issues are very unethical, and that’s all there is to it. Really, what does a person or a business gain from committing these selfish acts towards others? I…

  • Intercultural Communication in the Workplace

    In the workforce environment cultural diversity is a frequent problem, often employees are discriminated against or misunderstood because of their diverse appearance. [adsense:336×280:1:1] We each belong to an entire collection of cultures different shared values, beliefs, and attitudes. Our own actions influence the way we characterize the actions of others. It is not easy to…

  • A River Once Ran Through it: The Boac River and Marcopper Mining

    I. Facts of the issue – In 1996, Boac River became the glory of Marinduque no more because of mine wastes that came from Marcopper Mining. – Materials left over after the process of separating the valuable fraction from the worthless portion of an ore called tailings killed the life giving qualities of Boac.

  • Ford Losses

    Ford Australia posted a $274 million after-tax loss last year as consumers, already battered by the global financial crisis, shied away from large cars. [adsense:336×280:1:1] Capping off one of the roughest years on record for car makers here and abroad, Ford Australia’s revenues fell 7.4 per cent to $3.3 billion for the year to December…

  • Mexico and America; Ethnic Groups and Discrimination

    Mexicans immigrated to the United States back in the 1800’s (Stanford, 2006). In 1848 the United States took over a part of Mexico which is not the Southwest (which is where I’m from, The Rio Grande Valley). Hispanics living in these areas were Mexican citizens before the acquisition. The United States even went into agreements…

  • The Effects of Punishment and Sentencing

    The fundamental philosophies surrounding the purpose of sentencing are retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. The first of these things is again, retribution. Retribution is what people is deserved of a guilty party when a crime is committed. As stated in the text of chapter 10 of our required reading, “a wrongdoer who has freely chosen…

  • Ethical Decision Making: And The Band Played ON

    Ethical principles are the basis for ethical decision making. Principles like beneficence, reparation, nonmalefience, mercy, patient autonomy, veracity, justice and fidelity are the backbone of making good ethical decisions. Throughout the movie there are two main characters that represent ethical and unethical acts and/or decisions.

  • Ethics Associated with Global Business

    In the business world ethical dilemmas happen for a variety of reasons. One of the most common reasons is cultural differences in global settings (Gan, n.d.).

  • The Chemical Edge: Steroids

    On October 5th of 2007, Marion Jones, an American Track star, stood on the steps of a courthouse and apologized to the world. She admitted at the press conference that she used anabolic steroids during the 2000 Sydney Olympics. According to the Washington Post article, by Amy Shipley, Jones’s confession caused the loss of the…

  • Physician Assisted Suicide

    Debbie was a 20 year old girl with a severe case of ovarian cancer, and was a patient of the gynecologic-oncology unit at her local hospital. She was having unrelenting problems with vomiting as a result of an alcohol drip that was being administered for her sedation. Her appearance was that of extreme emaciation, and…

  • Traditional versus modern ethics

    Near the beginning developments in moral and political philosophy was absent in the lasting effect through the history of those, for both moral and political philosophy. It is Plato and Aristotle that have been either the foundation for, or the negative response of, further developments. Prominently it is their contributions that have ultimately led us…

  • Is Cloning Ethical?

    Do people think cloning is a good thing or a bad thing? Many people find cloning a good thing because it can help many problems that humans soon face. Scientists say that cloning is a life-saving research. They also say that therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning are critical. Most people find reproductive cloning to be…

  • Pat Parker & Associates – Harvard Business School Case Study

    Critical Issues The Pat Parker & Associates case, written in 1995 by Mursten in the Harvard Business Review raises several points that should be considered when dealing with intellectual property matters. We need to clearly understand who owns the copyright to a

  • Drug testing in the Workplace

    Testing employees or job applicants for drug or alcohol use invokes a controversial area of policy and law that is still establishing its parameters. Today, in many industries, drug testing has become a everyday business, just like a job interview for example. Drug testing at the workplace is up 277 %