Category: Psychology

  • Separation: The Effects on Children

    The divorce rate has been steadily rising over the last several years. Many of these divorces involve confused children caught in the middle of emotional turmoil. Depending on the way the situation is handled, children can suffer emotionally right into adulthood. It is important that parents rise above their own mental anguish in order to…

  • Anna Freud: A Brief History

    Anna Freud was born on December 3, 1895. (Freud Museum, n.d.) She was born in Vienna Austria to Sigmund Freud and his wife, Martha. (The Adoption History Project [TAHP], 2007) Freud was the youngest of six children. (TAHP) While her relationship with her mother and her siblings were strained at best, she was very close…

  • Anterograde Amnesia and Memento

    Did I Have an Assignment Due? I Can’t Remember. Anterograde Amnesia is not genetic or or something that comes with age. It is a condition where a person’s memory of the events prior to a trauma are retained, while the events following the trauma are forgotten and not retained.(Anterograde Amnesia 1).

  • Animal Assisted Therapy for Children with Special Needs

    Animal assisted therapy is a very useful program in treating psychological and emotional problems of children with special needs. In this method, animals like birds and domesticated pets are being used to treat cases of children which are hard to accomplish when employed with regular therapy. This is because of the children’s young minds were…

  • Self Concept Paper

    There have been many things that I have learned about myself in the past few weeks. I have learned many things about myself that I would have never known if it was not for this course. I have learned about my self concept, attitudes and feelings and things that might be influenced by gender roles.…

  • The Power of Humor

    An old legend once said that shortly after Adam was created, he complained: “O Lord! You have given the lion fierce teeth and claws, and the elephant formidable tusks; you have given the deer swiftness of legs, and the turtle a protective shell; you have given the birds of flight wings, but you have left…

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Perfectionism Case Study

    In this paper, I will attempt to summarize the article written by Sarah J. Egan and Paula Hine of the Curtin University of Technology, Australia. This study focused on the value that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has in treating perfectionism in 4 adults diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or depression. According to the case study,…

  • Depression

    Depression is a mood disorder that is becoming more and more common. The effects this disorder has on its victims is horrible. Diagnosing this disease is not easily done. Luckily when it can be diagnosed there are effective treatments known.

  • Theories of Human Development

    When referring to epigenetic theory, it is a relatively new theory that focuses on the genetic origins and how they are affected by the interactions with the environment. This theory is based on the fact that over time environmental forces will impact the expression of certain genes. The theory believes that each human has a…

  • The Psychology & interpretation of DREAMS

    Dreams can be very coincidental and mysterious. Throughout history dreams have been associated with revelation and prophecy. And so the story goes, that a dream revealed the molecular structure of carbon to a scientist.[1] And so, just as we can wonder what a certain dream means to the dreamer, we can argue about what causes…

  • All About Depression, unipolar and bipolar disorders

    Unipolar and Bipolar disorders have haunted people throughout the years, making it difficult for them to maintain what they deemed as a normal lifestyle. They watch through cold eyes as others live on normally and wish they too could frolic about so effortlessly. It can make them bitter, angry, or even suicidal. I myself have…

  • Anxiety: The Growing Disorder

    Anxiety is a growing epidemic in this world. There is one type of anxiety that is more common than the rest and that is the panic disorder. [adsense:336×280:1:1] People with the panic disorder have feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning what so ever. They can never predict when they will…

  • Anxiety Disorders

    Introduction We have all felt the effects of stress at one time or another. Our bodies tell us when we need to slow down because we are overloaded. If stress continues unchecked, it can develop into a more serious problem called anxiety. It has been estimated that over 20 million Americans suffer from an anxiety…

  • What is the Good Life

    The Good Life In The Eyes Of The Beholder In the case of the Good life, what would the Good life be in the average man or woman’s function of daily life? In Plato’s theory on the good life, it rests on the idea that everything has one function, which we are naturally suited for.…

  • The Influence of Homosexuality in the Media

    The transition of our world is happening before our very eyes… amongst the most talked about topics is the appointing and politics of President Barack Obama, the crashing economy and the issue of Ms. California and her views on homosexuality. Though the president and the economy have been unpredictable to some, homosexuality has always been…

  • Cutting and Scarification Research Paper

    An intense piercing fire burns you, and a thin line of blood creeps up where the blade has just been. If you identify with this sentence, then cutting might be something you enjoy. There are a lot of things to think about if you want to try cutting or even if you’re already a cutter.…

  • Dimensions of Psychological Disabilities

    Dimensions of Psychological Disabilities: Effects and Ways to Break Through AD(H)D and Workplace Depression Presenteeism – a kind of absent presence can be observed in our daily life. There are kids who can’t sit tight; girls who tend to daydream anytime; students who try to sneak out of so called boring lectures; jobholders who lack…

  • Are Sex Offenders Judged Too Harshly by Society?

    After conducting complete research, this author has found that society judges sex offenders more unfairly and harshly than they do other criminals. According to the 2002 through 2005 FBI statistics, crimes of a sexual nature are not the most common crimes being committed. Society has become fearful of the sex offender and has not even…

  • Social Conformity to Obedience

    Obedience is the act of obeying orders from others. As humans we are indoctrinated to obey authority figures. This training begins from the moment of birth as we are reliant on our parents to take care of our every need, in turn being subservient to our authority figure or parents. As we begin to mature…

  • Wise Judgment: A Young Girl’s Decision

    A teenage girl is “in love” with her 17-year-old boyfriend. He is encouraging her to have sex with him saying that he will make sure they only have “protected” sex. This scenario is a very common one among teenagers these days. I can especially relate to this scenario because I was once in the same…

  • Impact of Environment on Child Development

    In my report I’m going to touch on several topics pertaining to how genetic, environment, and what parents teach the child effects the development of the child. I also will discuss my views on parenting styles. I will discuss the consequences of parents working. I feel that the benefits of both parents working are not…

  • Life-Span Development

    From the time of conception until death, humans constantly change. Even though some of the changes result from chance incidents and unique to his or her choices, most of changes throughout life’s different stages are due to the common biological and psychological make up. Life-Span development is the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of…

  • DISC Platinum Rule™ Assessment Paper

    I took The DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment test this week. Behavioral styles are an integral part to the dynamics of team or group and in order to have effective team, individual must understand personal behavioral style to make up with others in organization or team.

  • Effects of Parenting and Peer Pressure on Adolscent Sexual Activity

    What prompts adolescents to engage in sexual activity in regards to peer pressure, parental guide and religious beliefs? Approximately one in every five adolescents have had sexual intercourse by his/her fifteenth birthday. Recent studies have shown that peer pressure has the strongest impact on adolescents decision making towards sexual activity. Parenting and religion have been…

  • Panic Disorder and other Anxiety Disorders

    Panic Disorder is apart of a larger class of psychological disorders known as Anxiety Disorders. Subjects with panic disorder have what are known as panic attacks which can occur at any time for any number of reasons. During panic attacks subjects will have labored breathing, heart palpitations, chest pain, intense apprehension, and fear of losing…